Iowa Safe Routes to School headed to Fairfield for two days of bike fun! On 5.5.2021 we went and helped local volunteers do a helmet fitting event for the 60 kids in the after school program. The after school program was divided into three groups. While one group the was being fitted the other two were learning hand signals and how to know which streets are best to ride bikes on.

Ready for the serepentine course

Then on 5.12.2021 Iowa Safe Routes to School headed back to Fairfield to host the Bike Rodeo portion of the education. The two day of education and rodeo was great because the kids were pumped and had something to look forward all week! We were excited because it was a beautiful day out.

Iowa Safe Routes to School was grateful to collaborate with ISU Extension on this project and looks forward to helping Fairfield grow it’s bike education to all the kids in the school. If you are interested in bike education or a rodeo in your community please contact

Reviewing handsignals
After rodeo celebration open to the parents. Complete with certificates of completion and a bike give-away!