SRTS wants to help your school year start off right!
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School is around the corner!

The Iowa SRTS program wants your year to be memorable.

It’s hard to believe that school is going to be starting here in just 3 weeks. Where did summer go? I wanted to get your mind on SRTS as you start your school year. We offer many great programs and educational pieces to bring to your school and community and we do it all for free! THAT’S RIGHT– FREE. Fall is the perfect time to continue riding bikes so let us bring a bike rodeo to the school day or after school program. Let’s teach these kids how to safely ride their bicycles.

Some things to keep on your radar for this fall:

October is national walking month. International Walk to School Day is on October 7. If you host a walking event any time throughout the month of October we can send you some really cool incentives for the kids participating. You must register by hitting the tab below. Once you’ve done that you can contact the Iowa Bicycle Coalition to receive prizes for the number of students participating.

I know you missed the Saris Poster contest this spring but they’ve changed the contest to this fall! I just got information from Saris, but I don’t know much yet.This years theme is #LongForTheRide. Posters must be post marked to our office address by October 21.Prizes include bikes, helmets, and lights so be on the look out for more information.

Lastly, I (Alana) have officially resigned from my post as the Iowa Safe Routes to School Program Director. My last day is August 7. It’s been a wonderful 2.5 years serving the state of Iowa by educating communities and students alike about safe bicycling and pedestrian habits. I’ve had the pleasure of educating over  6,000 children. I’ve not only learned more about Iowa and its very special communities but also myself. Thank you, Iowa, for making this experience memorable.

With that, a new Safe Routes to School Program Director has been hired and will start in the coming weeks. You will be receiving an email.

Thanks Iowa, you’ve been absolutely amazing to work with.

Best Regards!

Register for Walk to School Day
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